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불굴의 슈퍼맨

이름 슈퍼맨 Superman (마사회등록 마명 그라지오)
출생일 2011 03 08
성별 남자였음 ... 거세(2014 04 27)
품종 더러브렛 : 국제마번 KOR11130651
털색 청회색
개인기 짜증내기 ^^;;;;;
Super Man


Except for, Pan, who is the boss, Super spends his time bullying everybody. He is also our residential coward but also never gives up. His try-try again won him many a race at his grade. He is our favorite riding horse. He is suitable for first time riders through advanced. When he is not bullying the other horses, he paces the pasture with anxiety. He loves butt scratches, Oreo's, and people not necessarily in that order. He is the only one who runs from the vet and he needs extra sedation when his teeth are floated.